25 December 2013

Hafiz Adewuyi

The Curse of the lonely bathroom

Every once in a while, this rather strange phenomenon occurs in my house.

A member of the family - say Zifah - desperately needs to do a number two.

Unfortunately, the main bathroom is in use. As there is only one alternative - and with mother nature calling on the top of her voice - he has no option but to go for the other bathroom. It is expedient to say at this point that this second bathroom is pretty remote from the rest of the apartment.

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Hafiz Adewuyi

Toilet Cleaning App

Dry humor at the ccHub bathroom door:

1. you can't check out the site: ccHub is a technology incubation hub in Lagos. It's like the prime nest for computer geeks in Lagos (arguably Nigeria);

2. you can't view the image; it says: "And oh, there's an app for keeping the toilet clean. It's called flushing".

3. you dunno, computer geeks make apps; cool apps.

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