10 June 2011

Hafiz Adewuyi

According to your ass, so shall it be unto you

It was in the early days of my shuttling around Lagos via public transport. Before then, I hardly had the need to go anywhere where my mum's car wouldn't be able to convey me to since I was in the secondary school boarding house for most of the year. However, upon graduation from high school, things changed and I had to, however unwillingly, take up responsibility for the majority of my life and let mum have some rest.

I'd been in a danfo (Lagos public transport) bus going from some point A to a quite distant point B. Not an unusual situation, I happened to be sharing a seat of four with at least, one fat-ass person. If you don't know the implication of that, lemme give you a hint: the fat-ass person (most probably a woman) takes up sitting space of between 1.5 and 2 normal-sized people. That leaves the remaining three of you barely having space to put your ass down in the bus. God help you if there's another fat ass person on the same seat. Anyway, I accepted my fate and took it as just another day in Lagos metropolis.
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